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  • Accounting Portal

    Overview The Client has the idea to build a web-based approach that would enable accountants to achieve membership b...
  • Agriculture Exporter Website

    Client Our Rajkot, India-based client is an Exporter and Importer of Agriculture commodity globally such as Dried Fr...
  • Healthcare Portal

    Overview The client’s goal was to provide a solution that combines all of the latest technology with medical p...
  • eLearning Application

    Client Our client is an eLearning solution provider based in Polska, Poland, that provides creative and cutting-edge...
  • Media Distribution Platform

    Challenge Our client in Pittsburgh – USA, with a particular emphasis on developing and delivering value-orient...
  • eLearning Management Portal

    Challenge The Customer is a product company from Medellin, Columbia, which offers numerous software products in diff...
  • Job Portal Mobile Apps (Talentify)

    Overview Our customer is a leading consulting company serving as an intermediary for other companies and their indiv...
  • Street Lights Management

    Challenge Our customer is the main manchester, united kingdom-based totally issuer of a whole lighting fixtures cont...
  • Labtech Website

    Overview The client’s main interests are in medical science and experimental studies. The company offers detai...
  • Event Management APP

    Overview The customer is a worldwide leader in event organizing and facilities. To create an application exclusively...
  • Project and Portfolio Management

    Challenge Our purchaser is a worldwide service organization presenting control equipment for tasks, programs, and po...
  • Coporate Learning Management System

    Challenge The client is a charity organization headquartered in Manchester, the UK that works internationally to adv...
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