Hotel Booking System


One of the top Hotel Tourism Managers in the world is our Australian customer. Their organization provides high-quality programs for people or organizations who wish to fly around the world. The idea was to promote the extraction of all passengers’ data during the registration with their hotel facilities. The customer chooses to create a portal that would automatically store all the passenger’s or their group’s details and sell them profitable discounts in conjunction with the kit.

The main issues that must be tackled during the implementation of the Hotel Booking system:

  • Build a web-based solution that is adaptive, adaptable, creative, and capable of reacting to hotel basic requirements.
  • Easily payable integration of the payment gateway.
  • Implementing various standards for filtration and sorting.
  • Manage and manage notifications in various functions such as prices, ranking, certification, etc.
  • Implementation by quote number and booking number of a search function.
  • A scalable approach that holds and maintains the specifics of field testing.
  • Cart functionality deployment to store and handle reservation records.


Tools & Technology

  • MVC
  • C#
  • WebServices
  • Visual Studio
  • Microsoft SQL Server


In view of the theory of the customer providing both travel and hospitality, our team of seasoned developers began to strategize about how the technology could be developed. After negotiations and agreements, Shivagya Infosoft’s software engineers developed a hotel booking system with state-of-the-art technologies such as .NET, C#, and MSSQL.


  • Consider the features of date, room, people, a town for reservation, etc.
  • Entry to services such as the cafeteria, gym, air conditioning, lift, car park, etc.
  • Target rank, the price per night, city refine, and several other choices for accommodation.

Car Hire

  • Management of various records, such as region, place, start date, country of return, town, end of the date, etc.
  • Filters and conditions for the renting of cars, rental cars, prices, etc.

Agency and Agent details

  • List of data, such as name, place, price, and commission information, list of all quote numbers saved.

Client Supplier Wizard

  • Keep a list of agencies along with their accounting records.
  • The contract is designed to maintain pricing listings and contracts for different seasons at different hotels.

Booking Management System

  • Control features including quotation number reservations, cancellation of bookings, lift of invoices, billing, part-paid mode, booking overview, details of the account, policy, and fee details.
  • Keep a registry of reservations, quotations, notifications and memory reminders, party reservations, etc.

View Cart

  • This feature maintains a track of past and future booking information along with different place details, facilities, rates, city details, officer details, etc.
  • There are also detailed features, such as packages lists for multiple destinations, cruise information, operation details, etc.


Shivagya Infosoft provided a consolidated customer booking portal system with its exclusive software development services. Besides the apparent advantages, the customer may take advantage of:

  • Manage the details of hotels, agencies, and customers – all at your fingers.
  • Efficient hotel details or data synchronization
  • Provide guests with real-time facilities with specifics of the request
  • Facilities for all forms of reservations for persons, classes, parties, businesses, tour operators, etc.
  • More money was applied to the corporation
  • Greater connectivity and consumer scope
  • Advances of technology and its potential advantages
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