Reservoir Monitoring and Modelling System


Through our upstream and downstream plants, our customers are a diverse supplier of oil and power to numerous oil fields around the world. They wanted to create a desktop application in London, UK, for one of their oil fields. This program helps users to insert oil well descriptions and plot them on numerous maps. With the application developed by Shivagya Infosoft, customers can measure depths of a specific well with the greatest accuracy of up to 40,000 feet. It also wanted a calculator that could allow consumers to compute the risks of gas flow, temp, friction, viscosity, etc on each foot of a fuel well. They were also interested in certain extra features.

Some of the more functionality the customer requests are:

  • Graphs to chart and plot based on feedback from the customer.
  • Load different data types from different types of directories.
  • Manage projects individually for each one.
  • Complex mathematical equations are implemented.
  • Distance, pressure, etc. component handling.


Tools & Technology

  • Microsoft VB.NET
  • Microsoft Windows Server
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • IIS
  • MS Visio


Our team of experienced.NET engineers and analysts have implemented an iterative approach to deliver the right market solution, after studying business and industry for custodians. Every minute we calculated the data and split the project intelligently into critical sectors. Initially, the project was split into 2 segments, followed by smaller data, the processing of DTS, which ultimately resulted in analysis and implementation results.


  • Add a new project tab
  • Open the latest project

Well, details:

  • Well data
  • Data on temperature
    Data on pressure
    Data for MD Vs. TVD
  • Casing data
  • Reservoir layer data
  • Completion data
    • Tubing component data
    • Accessory component data
    • Crossover component data
    • Gap component data

Data loading:

  • Raw data
    • Loading DTS directories
    • Load data flow files
    • Load log files
    • Load PDG files
  • DTS processing
    • Page of profound correction
    • Page Standardization


  • Interpretation
    • Graph for temperature
    • Plot of Pressure
    • Plot for Flow
    • Computation of results
    • IPR


Shivagya Infosoft has met the goal of customers to build a customized Web application from an independent desktop application to an up-to-date and dynamic Tool that has developed as a strong oil and gas utility application. The apps are the company’s own customers and the advantages are:

  • Analysis at some height or depth well
  • Fingertip data Data
  • Complex analyses facilitated
  • Digital change manual leading to a profitable market
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