Claim Management Application


By designing a stable, flexible, and high-performance technology, we have simplified the claim management system of a major insurance service provider from Austria. The Vue.JS platform was used by our experienced web developers to build this application, optimizing the overall claim management process, improving claims service, increasing customer loyalty, and reducing total costs.


Our consumer comes from a financial service provider headquartered in Austria that has been responsible for diverse and essential insurance domain claim processing procedures for several years now. The handling of claimants and the monitoring of client, personnel, and agents’ accounts have troubled the company every day. The customer has agreed to simplify their claim processing process by building an application because of the rapid increase in digitalization and the need to stand up in the competitive sector. This application was required to perform end-to-end jobs and connect all users to the claim process. We agreed to create an app to overcome most of the challenges with the following features for solving these management manual challenges:

  • Complete oversight of the business process flow.
  • One structure for all operations of the call center.
  • The device operates without the internet (offline) as well.
  • The ability to log claims from the customer reduces the center load directly.
  • Simpler argument and policy validation rules.
  • Find an entrepreneur and their engineer for work easily.
  • In addition to the allegations in the statute, claims not protected by the regulation often fall in line.
  • Scalable option for different demands for jobs.
  • Requests and praise for the customer input for our services.
  • Customer-specific task delivery in the middle.
  • Manage engineers’ on-site demands.
  • Generation of income reports, the productivity of the call center, claims.

The company, however, realized early that statements in diverse settings with various processes and manual transfers are enormously complicated and may cause failures and have a more significant effect on consumer experience. Therefore, they also agreed to create a robust framework that can automatically handle end-to-end operations while concentrating on other core competencies.


Tools & Technology

  • VueJS
  • C#
  • Azure SQL Server
  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • PowerBI
  • App service
  • Application insights
  • Search service
  • Blob Service
  • Event Trigger
  • Service bus
  • Queue bus
  • Azure Functions
  • AD B2C


Shivagya Infosoft’s creators of mobile apps are familiar with today’s technology. In its program scope deployment process, our experts suggested Azure Cloud Services and Vue.JS. Vue.JS main library functions include routing and data storage that reduce the application’s total load time. Shivagya Infosoft developed a progressive one-page Web application for Internet connectivity, anywhere and at any time. Readily accessible from the internet. As a software business with Vue.JS. Any of the outstanding features are included:

  • Details are defined automatically in both regulations and policyholders.
  • Legitimate argument auto validation based on Q&A configuration.
  • Capacity to deal with the claims not protected by the regulation.
  • Stripe payment portal integration with all payments.
  • Twilio Task Router integration to handle all calls.
  • Twilio Task Router is adapted to classify the individual to deal with the tasks.
  • Contractor Administration Scheme.
  • Supervisor capacity for the conference call to track agent success.
  • Support staff implemented to open the web without the Internet.
  • Different dashboards for load control and call center results.
  • Require automated invoice to process the accounting portion.
  • Function and willingness to transfer data to a store.
  • Single timeframe for all allegations past.
  • Mobile cross-platform application to execute tasks engineers.


By innovative management mechanisms and meet shared business challenges, Shivagya Infosoft developed an efficient and sustainable claim management framework for the customer. This approach increased the overall process function, enhanced requested service, the loyalty of customers, and lowered costs. The customer has benefited from the following benefits when making use of our outstanding Web application creation capabilities for their project:

  • Clearing the arguments of reduced time
  • Power to represent consumers outside of policy norms
  • Capable of using human capital
  • Monetize the interests of contractors and jobs
  • Real-time view of the results of the call center
  • The phase of auto invoice
  • Quick access to data with the Vue light framework
  • Measurements in engineering and quality control
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