
Mobile app research is becoming increasingly important for any company that wants to succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape and remain competitive! The most popular problems with a smartphone app could be avoided if the app was thoroughly tested before release. Mobile has become an essential part of everybody’s life, be it people or companies.

The Stellar network is an open-source, distributed blockchain-based ledger and database that enables cross-asset value transactions, including payments. Lumens (XLM) are Stellar’s native digital assets (XLM). In other words, Stellar is the payment network (via Horizon API and Stellar Core) and Lumens (XLM) is the cryptocurrency. Most applications may communicate with the stellar network through


Big Data is driving the future and requiring organizations to take a holistic approach to data analysis to make better-informed decisions. Big Data brings with it both new opportunities and new threats. It is distinguished primarily by the length, range, uncertainty, and sophistication of the content. However, the amount is not the main focus; what